Always get hurt .

I’m HURT . Why people never appreciate me ? Am I a bad girl ? Hmm . They want me to appreciate them but why so hard for them to appreciate me ? If you don’t want to appreciate me at least respect me . That’s all I asked for ya . Easy ? I’m tired with all this shit . You guys always make trouble with me . why haa ? Hmm life is so damn tough . Sometimes I feel like wanna give up on  my own life . I don’t know how to handle my own problems . well , usually my problems handle me very well . damn you . And I don’t know how to take care of myself . If you want to live in this cruel world you should  know how to take care of yourself and you should know what’s your dreams and make it come true one day . without a knowledge you can’t go anywhere . trust me without a knowledge its hard for you to live in this cruel world . I don’t want that to be happen to me . I’m sixteen . Yeahh a big girl with a tiny little heart . always complain about her own life but never she compare her life with others . ahhh I think that’s all for today . feel dizzy . goodbye . 
p/s : study smart be a damn rich then come back and condemn me as much as you want .

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